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Make money with us by simply telling your friends about us

How it works


This is a perfect opportunity for you to make money without any real effort while you are in Law School.


The way you can make money with us is by simply spreading the word about our website to your classmates/friends on social media/e-mail/or even in person. You will be paid 10% of every order which you refer.


You can spread this code by way of Twitter, Facebook, and Linkin easily in the form to the right by simply clicking the buttons. Other forms of sharing are texting, Word of Mouth, etc. Just tell everyone you know that is in Law School (it doesn't even have to be your own school) about us and you will be paid EVERY time an order comes because of your referral.


This is a simple way for you to make money by simply letting others know about us!


In addition to the payments you will receive we will also award you extra discounts on all of our products.


Apply now by simply using the form to the right and we will immediately provide you with your information so that you can begin benifiting immedeately from this great opportunity.

Simply fill out the form below with your e-mail and you will be provided your referral link instantly. You can immedeatly begin sharing the link and earning referral money.

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